Hinode/EIS Remote Planning (RP)
Purpose of this Website
This resource details how to do Hinode/EIS planning remotely, from any machine from any institution.
This website is not intended as a guide to EIS planning. It is assumed that the remote planner has some previous experience of EIS planning. Instead these pages describe how to fetch the relevant files/databases from ISAS required for planning, how to setup the Planning Tools (PT) and finally how to send back the updated databases and perform the final Chief Planner (CP) tasks.
The minimum conditions for successful remote planning are described here.
Hinode (previously Solar-B) is the follow-up mission to the very successful Japan/UK/US Yohkoh mission. Using a combination of optical, EUV and X-ray instrumentation Hinode will study the interaction between the Sun's magnetic field and its corona to increase our understanding of the causes of solar variability. Hinode was launched successfully in September 2006.
It has three scientific instruments: the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT), the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) and the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). The figure below is an artist's impression of Hinode in orbit.
EIS is a UK-led instrument, building on the UK's long history of pioneering work in solar ultraviolet spectroscopy. The Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL) is the lead institute for EIS, and RAL's contributions include instrument assembly activities, calibration, software design, thermal analysis work, science operations, in-flight calibration and science exploitation.