RPG Stage 1: Pre-Planning

Stage 0: Preliminary Stage 1: Pre-Planning Stage 2: Planning

This must be done for each Remote Planning session!

Update: Fri 18-Dec-2020

Scripts are no longer executable on the gateway machine (ope-gw), requiring that the remote planner must run the archiving script on the EISCO machine itself (instead of from ope-gw). The ope-gw is still writable, so that it still stages the archive.

This page describes how to retieve the necessary files and databases required for remote planning from the eisco@ISAS machine.

you@YOUR Machine:
  1. From your RP machine, log in to your user account on the (gateway) machine ope-gw@ISAS, viz;
    ssh -Y your_username@ope-gw.solar.isas.jaxa.jp
ope-gw@ISAS Machine 1:
  1. Login to the "eisco" user account on the EISCO machine (you will be prompted for the password);
    ssh -Y eisco@eisco
eisco@ISAS Machine:
  1. Run the (Perl) archive script;

  2. Log out of the EISCO machine;
ope-gw@ISAS Machine 2:
  1. Copy the archive (tarball) file from EISCO to ope-gw;
    scp eisco@eisco.solar.isas.jaxa.jp:~/eis_rp_archive.tar.gz .
    You will be prompted for the eisco@EISCO password.

  2. Log out of the ope-gw machine;
you@YOUR Machine:
  1. Copy the archive (tarball) file from ope-gw to your own machine (making sure it goes in your home directory!);
    scp your_username@ope-gw.solar.isas.jaxa.jp:~/eis_rp_archive.tar.gz .
  2. Run the unpacking script;

Stage 0: Preliminary Stage 1: Pre-Planning Stage 2: Planning