RPG Stage 3: Plan Submission: Final

Stage 2: Planning Stage 3: Plan Submission Stage 4: Checking the Plan

eisco@ISAS Machine:
  1. Test CPT
    Check that you get the message "CPT ran successfully".

  2. Run CPT - this step is only to be run after the daily meeting on the day of the upload and once all changes to the plan have been finalised!
    Check that you get the message "CPT ran successfully".

  3. Quit CPT
  4. Exit SSWIDL

  5. Backup planning databases and stage them for import into SSW;

  6. Logon to the CP's machine;
  7. Check that the syntax of the output ORL file is correct;
    sh   tool/coorlchk.sh
    and a successful test will result in a message that says OK!

  8. Now check that the CPT output can be compiled for the final plan;
    sh   tool/pdlchk.sh
    or if you are uploading a revised plan;
    sh   tool/pdlchk.sh   revise
    You will be asked to confirm the date of the upload (by default it suggests todays date). Answer yes (‘y’) to all questions – never answer ‘n’ unless you know what you’re doing. If a problem occurs, please check the error message on the troubleshooting webpage and/or all previous steps to make sure you have not omitted anything. A successful test will result in a message that says "Good Job!"

  9. Logout from the CP machine.

  10. Since you have just submitted the final version of the plan you should now proceed to Stage 4:.

Stage 2: Planning Stage 3: Plan Submission Stage 4: Checking the Plan