Email a summary of the DRAFT plan, attaching the
relevant eis_plan_yyyymmdd.txt
file, to the following recipients;
◦ eis_co, xrt_co, sot_co
◦ irisplanner
◦ others if necessarys
Include the OP Period and the data-recorder allocation. An example
is shown below;
Subject: *Draft* EIS Observing Plan 23/06/2011 (eis_co: xrt_co: sot_co:)
Dear All
This is the *draft* EIS observing plan for the period, 2011/06/23
10:29:00 - 2011/06/25:10:00 (UT).
Data allocation: 933 Mbits
Predicted usage: 940 Mbits
During this plan, EIS supports HOP00 (some campaign) in the
long SAA-free periods on each day. The rest of the plan involves
observing a small AR with a study requested by someone or other.
Details of the spacecraft pointing are available here:
while details of the EIS plan are in the attached file.
Your Name, EIS Chief Observer
This is the end of the draft planning phase. You can go no
further than this until after the (10:30 JST / 01:30 UT)
daily meeting on the day of the upload.
Following the daily meeting on the upload day, return to
Stage 1: Pre-Planning and follow the process to
Stage 3: Plan Submission.