This page (revision-196) was last changed on 23-Jun-2022 16:23 by Peter Young

This page was created on 08-Jul-2010 18:18 by PeterYoung

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
196 23-Jun-2022 16:23 16 KB Peter Young to previous
195 21-Aug-2020 20:00 14 KB Peter Young to previous | to last Updated links to Software Notes to sohoftp
194 18-Aug-2020 17:14 14 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
193 12-Aug-2020 20:25 14 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
192 03-Aug-2020 16:34 14 KB Peter Young to previous | to last Added SW Note 25
191 16-Apr-2020 15:49 14 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
190 10-Mar-2020 15:25 14 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
189 10-Mar-2020 15:20 14 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
188 17-Dec-2019 19:12 14 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
187 17-Dec-2019 19:11 14 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
186 12-Dec-2019 16:52 14 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
185 12-Dec-2019 16:49 14 KB Peter Young to previous | to last Updated calibration section
184 13-Aug-2019 22:31 13 KB Peter Young to previous | to last Added "important dates" link
183 05-Feb-2019 14:07 13 KB Ignacio Ugarte-Urra to previous | to last
182 11-Dec-2017 15:42 13 KB Ignacio Ugarte-Urra to previous | to last
181 27-Nov-2017 16:42 13 KB Peter Young to previous | to last

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%%(color:red;)__This page is still under construction. All of the information should be accurate, but some of the links are not working yet.__%%
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This guide describes how to access, calibrate and derive scientific results from the EIS instrument on Hinode. For a description of EIS and its observing modes please consult the instrument paper, [Culhane et al. (2007)|], and the [MSSL Science Centre webpage|].
This guide describes how to access, calibrate and derive scientific results from the EIS instrument on Hinode. For a description of EIS and its observing modes please consult the instrument paper, [Culhane et al. (2007)|], and the [MSSL Science Centre webpage|].
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All software described here is written in IDL and distributed through the [Solarsoft distribution|]. %%(color:red;)__NEW!__%% NRL have developed an EIS analysis package written in Python called [EISPAC|EISPAC].
If you are new to Hinode and EIS, please check our [guide to Hinode and EIS terminology|EISTerminology].
[A list of all EIS publications|].
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[MSSL Science Centre (UK)|]\\
[MSSL Science Centre (UK)|]\\
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In addition, it is possible to download EIS data directly through IDL. EIS_CAT is a GUI tool that allows the user to search for data and download them. Another option is to directly download data via command line routines.
In addition, it is possible to download EIS data directly from IDL:
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The large quantity of EIS data coupled with the large number of free parameters (raster size, wavelength windows, slit choice) means that it can be quite difficult to find the perfect data-set if you don't already know which study you want. Check out [Tips for finding the perfect data-set|TipsPerfect] to get some hints on searching for data.
%%(color:red;)__NEW!__%% The [EIS Mapper|] site allows you to quickly see where EIS was pointed on a given day, by overplotting on a full disk EUV image.
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The large quantity of EIS data coupled with the large number of free parameters (raster size, wavelength windows, slit choice) means that it can be quite difficult to find the perfect data-set if you don't already know which study you want. Check out [Tips for finding the perfect data-set|TipsPerfect] to get some hints on searching for data. Also take a look at %%(color:red;)__NEW!__%%[the list of most commonly-used EIS studies|MostCommon].
[How to find data from the EIS response studies|TriggerStudies] (e.g., flare triggers).
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[What was EIS doing yesterday?|EISDoing] How to find out what EIS observations were being performed yesterday, last week or anytime.
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[Important dates during the EIS mission|EISHistory]. This gives a timeline of significant events during the EIS mission that may affect your data analysis.
[Reference data-sets|EISRef].
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%%(color:red;)__IMPORTANT NOTE__%%: the /correct_sensitivity keyword is no longer recommended as of 8 October 2013. Please check the [calibration discussion page|EISCalibration] for an update on the EIS radiometric calibration.
%%(color:red;)__IMPORTANT NOTE__%%: the /correct_sensitivity keyword is no longer recommended as of 8 October 2013. The recommendation for all EIS files is to use the call above, and then apply a calibration correction factor as a post-processing step. Please check the [calibration discussion page|EISCalibration] for more details.
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%%(color:red;)__NOTE FOR SLOT DATA__%%: please check [calibrating slot data|SlotCalib].
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%%(color:red;)__UPDATE, 12-Dec-2019__%%: A significant change to EIS_PREP has been made, relating to the removal of residual warm pixels and cosmic rays. Please check out [EIS Software Note No. 24|] for more details.
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There is one important instrumental effect that potentially can affect Doppler shift studies, but for which there is not a software fix at present:
* [Spatial offset between velocity and intensity features|Spatial offset of intensity and velocity features]
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The EIS slots produce images rather than spectra, and the most common application will be to produce movies from the slot rasters in a range of emission lines. Diagnostics are possible with the slots, however, by taking ratios of images and temperature and density diagnostics are described below.
The EIS slots produce images rather than spectra, and the most common application will be to produce movies from the slot rasters in a range of emission lines.
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!Making movies
The data should be calibrated with eis_prep in the same way as narrow slit data. If you're working with slot rasters, then you can assemble the data into a single 2D image within a 'windata' structure with
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!Temperature diagnostics
IDL> eis_readslot,file,wd,win=195.12,/estimate
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!Density diagnostics
(see also the [slot tutorial|TutorialSlot]).
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To create an IDL map from slot rasters, do:
IDL> map=eis_slot_map(file)
where you'll be asked to choose a wavelength window.
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* [Making use of AIA data for EIS analysis|AIAEIS]
* [Obtaining SDO cutout images for EIS rasters|AIAEIS]
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* [Co-aligning EIS and XRT images|EISXRTcoaling]
* [The EIS plate scale|EISPlateScale]
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!!Coordination with other observatories
[Parker Solar Probe|EISPSP]
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A series of Software Notes have been written that give details about various technical aspects related to the EIS mission.
A series of Software Notes have been written that give details about various technical aspects related to the EIS mission. Some of these documents are published are Zenodo and so have a citable DOI. Please use this if you reference the documents in a paper.
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[Software Note No. 1|] - Calibrating EIS data: the EIS_PREP routine\\
[Software Note No. 2|] - Radiometric calibration\\
[Software Note No. 3|] - Spatial Y-offsets between different wavelengths (spectrum
tilt and CCD offset)\\
[Software Note No. 4|] - Slit tilts\\
[Software Note No. 5|] - Orbital variation of EIS wavelength scale\\
[Software Note No. 6|] - Hot and Warm pixels\\
[Software Note No. 7|] - Instrumental line widths for the narrow slits of EIS\\
Software Note No. 8 - EIS Point Spread function (coma)\\
[Software Note No. 9|] - EIS Pointing\\
[Software Note No. 10|] - Dark Current\\
[Software Note No. 11|] - JPEG Compression\\
[Software Note No. 12|] - Stray Light \\
[Software Note No. 13|] - Interpolation of missing EIS data\\
[Software Note No. 14|] - The EIS Bright Point Trigger\\
[Software Note No. 15|] - Deriving densities, column depths and filling factors from Hinode/EIS data\\
[Software Note No. 16|] - EIS_AUTO_FIT and SPEC_GAUSS_EIS: Gaussian fitting routines for the Hinode/EIS mission\\
[Software Note No. 17|] - Gaussian fitting examples using the EIS_AUTO_FIT routine\\
[Software Note No. 18|] - EIS data files and directory structure\\
[Software Note No. 1|] - Calibrating EIS data: the EIS_PREP routine (Peter Young) %%(color:blue;)[[Zenodo]%%\\
[Software Note No. 2|] - Radiometric calibration (John Mariska)\\
[Software Note No. 3|] - Spatial Y-offsets between different wavelengths (spectrum
tilt and CCD offset) (Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 4|] - Slit tilts (Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 5|] - Orbital variation of EIS wavelength scale (Sugura Kamio, Terje Fredvik, Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 6|] - Hot and Warm pixels (Louisa Kennedy, Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 7|] - Instrumental line widths for the narrow slits of EIS (Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 8|] - EIS Point Spread function (Ignacio Ugarte-Urra)\\
[Software Note No. 9|] - EIS Pointing (John Mariska)\\
[Software Note No. 10|] - Dark Current (Paul Bryans)\\
[Software Note No. 11|] - JPEG Compression (Harry Warren) \\
[Software Note No. 12|] - Stray Light (Ignacio Ugarte)\\
[Software Note No. 13|] - Interpolation of missing EIS data (Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 14|] - The EIS Bright Point Trigger (Peter Young, Khalid Al-Janabi)\\
[Software Note No. 15|] - Deriving densities, column depths and filling factors from Hinode/EIS data (Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 16|] - EIS_AUTO_FIT and SPEC_GAUSS_EIS: Gaussian fitting routines for the Hinode/EIS mission (Peter Young) %%(color:blue;)[[Zenodo]%%\\
[Software Note No. 17|] - Gaussian fitting examples using the EIS_AUTO_FIT routine (Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 18|] - EIS data files and directory structure (Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 19|] - How to access and use the EIS databases (Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 20|] - EIS/AIA coalignment (John Mariska)\\
[Software Note No. 21|] - The WINDATA routines for EIS data analysis (Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 22|] - EIS Quicklook Data Processing and Timeline Database Retrieval (John Mariska)\\
Software Note No. 23 - In preparation\\
[Software Note No. 24|] - EIS_PREP: removing residual warm pixels and cosmic rays (Peter Young)\\
[Software Note No. 25|] - How to search for and download EIS files from IDL (Peter Young)\\
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