Here's a quick overview of the Wiki markup, for full info about editing Wiki page, please check: TextFormattingRules
Paragraphs Forced Line Break \\ Horizontal ruler | are delimitted by a blank line \\ ---- |
Hyperlinks Text with a hyperlink Interwiki links are defined in here | [~WikiPage] , [http://external.url], [~WikiPage#~SomeChapter] [some-text|link] [interwiki:~OtherWikiPage], [edit:~WikiPage], etc. |
Inline images or use the Image Plugin | [WikiPage/Attachment.gif] [{Image src='Attachment.gif' }] |
Section headers have ! in the first column Linking to section headers Table of contents | !small, !!medium, !!!large [pagename#sectiontitle] [{TableOfContents numbered='yes' }] |
Bulleted lists have * in the first column. Use more ** for deeper indentations. | * Item one ** Item two |
Numbered lists have #, ## etc. You can mix * and # too. | # Numbered item Continue item via indentation |
Text decorations CSS Styles start: %%css-class or %%(css-style) end: %% or /% or %~<space> | __bold__ renders as bold ''italic'' renders as italic %%small text %% renders as text %%sub subscript %% like in aij = aji %%sup superscript %% like in 23 = 8 %%strike strikethrough %% renders as strikethrough %%center ... %% for centered text %%invisible ... %% to hide parts of a page |
Monospaced text | {{ monospaced text with wiki markup }} Use triple {'s to open, and triple }'s to close code blocks, wiki markup is not rendered |
Definition List, with ; in first column Compact form | ;term:def ;:Indented comment |
Table ; use pipes | as delimitter No need for a terminating | | || Header1 || Header 2 | TableCell1 | TableCell2 |
Collapsable List | %%collapse * click me ** to hide/show me ... # ordered list items ## are collapsed by default %% |
Collapsable Box | %%collapsebox !box-title Click box title to hide/show box content %% |
Sortable Table | %%sortable ..each column header is clickable for sorting.. %% |
Filtered Table | %%table-filter ..each column has excel-like filter dropdowns.. %% |
Tabbed Section | %%tabbedSection %%tab-1stTabTitle ... %% %%tab-2ndTabTitle ... %% %% |
Horizontal Graphbar | %%graphBars * %%gBar 20 %% apples %% |
Zebra Tables with odd/even row colors | %%zebra-table ... %% %%zebra-<colorOdd> ... %% %%zebra-<colorOdd>-<colorEven> ... %% |
A list of the most commonly used plugins and some key parameters.
More plugins here.
TableOfContents | [{TableOfContents }] |
Image | [{Image src='x.jpg' link='~http://..' width='..' height='..' align='left|center|right' style='..' class='..' }] |
InsertPage | [{InsertPage page='some-page' }] |
CurrentTimePlugin | [{CurrentTimePlugin format='yyyy mmm-dd'}] |
ReferredPagesPlugin | [{ReferredPagesPlugin page='<pagename>' type='local|external|attachment' depth='1..8' include='regexp' exclude='regexp'}] |
ReferringPagesPlugin | [{ReferringPagesPlugin page='<pagename>' separator=',' include='regexp' exclude='regexp'}] |
Set a WikiVariable![]() Get a WikiVariable ![]() Test a wiki variable ![]() | [{SET name='value'}] [{$foo}] [{TEST page='p' name='var' match='regexp' except='regexp' body }] |
BrushedTablePlugin | [{Table ||Nr ||A ||< ||C ||< |# |a |b |c |d |# |^ |b |^ |d }] |
Emoticons | :) is used to show symbol: :) |
When Typography conversion is turned on, following replacements are made:
- paired single primes ( ' ' ) become single quotes ( ‘ ’ )
- lone single primes becomes apostrophes ( ’ )
- paired double primes ( " " ) become double quotes ( “ ” )
- a double dash ( -- ) becomes an em dash ( — )
- a single dash ( - ) becomes an en dash ( – )
- three dots ( ... ) become a horizontal ellipsis ( … )
- an x between 2 numbers ( 640x480 ) becomes a multiplication character ( × )
- a number followed by ^2 or ^3 become a square and cube sign (eg 8² 8³ )
- fraction markup ( 1/4 1/2 3/4) become fraction signs ( ¼ ½ ¾ )
- this markup +- or -+ becomes a plus-minus-sign ( ± )
- this markup (c) or (C) becomes a copyright sign ( © )
- this markup (tm) or (TM) becomes a registered trade mark sign ( ® )
- this markup (r) or (R) becomes a trade mark sign ( ™ )
- arrow markup ( -> <- <-> => <= <=> >> << ) become real arrows ( ↔ → ← ⇔ ⇒ ⇐ » « )
You can use meta-characters in the 'Search For' field:
. | any character except newline | + | one or more times |
* | zero or more times | ? | zero or one time |
{n} | match exact n times | {n,m} | at least n, at most m times |
| | pipe: a|b matches a or b | - | hyphen, match a range of chars |
^ | beginning of a line | $ | end of a line |
[...] | one of the char's of a set | [^...] | negated character set |
\b | word boundary | \B | word non boundary |
\d | numeral [0-9] | \D | non numeral [^0-9] |
\s | single white space | \S | single non white space |
\w | [A-Za-z0-9_] | \W | [^A-Za-z0-9_] |
(...) | grouping are stored as $1..$9 | \. | escape a meta char |
The 'Replace with' field can use $1..$9 as a backreference to parentheses of 'Search for' field.
Search for /abc|def/ will match the word 'abc' or the word 'def'
Search for /bwiki/b will match the word 'wiki' but not the word 'jspwiki'.
Search for ^[IVXMDCL]+\. will match any combination of roman numeral char's followed by a period
Search for /(-?\d+)(\d{3})/ and replace with $1,$2 to insert commas in large integers.
This is the EditFindAndReplaceHelp page.
More info on regular expressions
and RegExp Sandbox