EIS Science Related Documents
These are a list of documents that are directly related to scientific issues.
- EIS Science Requirements:
This is the science requirement document that has defined our instrument requirements
- Automatic Exposure Control:
This document describes the method for determining the automatic exposure control on board EIS.
- Event Trigger:
This document describes the method for determining an 'event' during rastering.
- EIS flare trigger:
This document describes the method for finding flares within with EIS field of view. EIS can also respond to the flare trigger that will be used on the X-ray telescope (XRT).
- XRT flare trigger for EIS:
This is EIS response to XRT flare trigger.
- EIS science team list:
This is a list of the members of the EIS science team with their contact details.
- EIS CCD system requirements:
These are the requirements for the CCDs based on the science requirements.
- EIS sequencer:
This document describes how the on board software organises the rastering and sequence structures.
- EIS post-launch regular calibration plan:
This document details the calibration activities for EIS during the 90-day science plan and normal operations.
Last Revised: Monday, 26-Mar-2010
Feedback and comments: webmaster