New Planning Tool v3.0 Release Notes

Setup guide for solarsoft

A new version of the Planning Tools is updated onto SolarSoft today. This addresses several bug fixes, new functionality and improved reliability.

Please update your "User databases" by copying the folder;


into your home directory. Ensure that your personal idlstart file contains the following line;


which sets the USER environment variable.

This version removes all ZDBASE switching so that you must work exclusively in the "Official" or "User environments". This is controlled by the commands

IDL> s = fix_zdbase(/KEYWORD)

where KEYWORD = EIS or USER. Do not execute this command when the PLanning Tools are running. The initial state of the ZDBASE environment variable is set in your (personal) idlstart file, viz;

s = fix_zdbase(/USER)

ps. because this is a large update, it might possibly require more than 1 mirror job to update the software.

EIS planning tool team

Last Revised: Monday, 07-Mar-2007
Feedback and comments: webmaster

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