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The Xcontrol window may be decsribed as the QL main control window for the selected raster. From this window the user is presented with some basic information about the raster, and the basic displays are selections available from here.

It has two menu items in the top menu bar. Under the file menu, "Close" terminates the Xcontrol session for this raster. Under the options menu, there are two items:

The first box in the left column lists the line windows contained in the raster, with the short wavelength band to the left and the long wavelength band to the right, as well as line window information when available (from the planning tool). The line window selection is relevant for all display modes except the detector display, where full CCD images are displayed.

The second box in the left column is used to select display mode.

The third box allows the user to invoke eis_prep; which will be run in default mode once the "EIS Prep" button is pressed. (The "Calibration Def" button currently serves no useful purpose.)

The fourth box in the left hand column allows one to do a quick line fit of the lines selected above, and to view the resulting image, velocity, and width maps.

In the right column, there is a text window (not editable) that presents key parameters describing the raster, such as if it is a sit-and-stare or scanning raster, number of exposures, number os slit positions etc.

Below this you will find a mini display showing the first exposure in the raster on both detectors.

There follow five buttons that will display information on the x-position of the exposures in the raster, the position of the x- and y- center of the FOV, and the CCD temperatures during the observation.

Finally, at the bottom of the right column we find a display indicating the position of the raster on the Sun and a number of acronyms which indicate what level the data is prepped to. It also indicates whether or not the data, as modified by the QL-software, has been saved or not.