Worksheet 1 - Finding EIS data and downloading#
The sections below give basic information about finding and downloading EIS data using three different methods. New users should try all three as each has its own strengths.
MSSL archive#
See demonstration.Exercise#
- Use the archive to find list of files obtained on 9-Dec-2006.
- Find the file beginning at 11:30 UT and view thumbnails.
European archive (Oslo)#
The archive is accessed by going to basic search by date is done by clicking on the EIS box, and entering times in EPOCH_START and EPOCH_END.
Searches using EIS-specific keywords can be done by clicking on the EIS button under ‘More search criteria’. A useful option is to search on study acronym (E_STUD_ACR).
Multiple groups of files are packaged as gzipped tar files. They should be downloaded into a directory such as /data/hinode. They unpack into directories such as eis/level0/2007/11/01.
- Find out how many EIS studies have been run during the 3 months from 1-Jul-2007 that use the 2” slit, contain the Ni XVII 249.18 emission line, and were designed by Peter Young.
- Which studies (specify the study acronym, STUD_ACR) satisfy the conditions above?
From within eis_cat#
eis_cat is an IDL widget-based routine for browsing the EIS catalogue. To call it, do:IDL> eis_cat
(Note: if the catalogue seems to be empty, then try typing "s=fix_zdbase(/eis)" before you call eis_cat.
Specify a date range, or use one of the search limiters to give a list of EIS files. Each file can then be downloaded by clicking on the ‘Download’ button on the GUI.
- Search data between 09-Dec-2006 10:00:00 - 09-Dec-2006 16:00:00
- Search data by study Acronym, e.g. COMSCI_AR3
- Using ‘Select studies graphically’, find out how many EIS studies have been run at the north pole during the 3 months from 1-Jul-2007.
- Download level-0 data: eis_l0_20061209_113031.fits.gz