This page (revision-27) was last changed on 07-Dec-2016 14:14 by RonYurow

This page was created on 28-Jul-2010 20:18 by RonYurow

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
27 07-Dec-2016 14:14 28 KB RonYurow to previous
26 02-Aug-2010 23:44 28 KB RonYurow to previous | to last
25 02-Aug-2010 23:33 28 KB RonYurow to previous | to last
24 02-Aug-2010 23:30 28 KB RonYurow to previous | to last
23 02-Aug-2010 23:12 28 KB RonYurow to previous | to last
22 02-Aug-2010 17:35 28 KB RonYurow to previous | to last
21 30-Jul-2010 21:19 28 KB RonYurow to previous | to last

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EIS_CAT is an IDL program for searching the EIS science data catalog, sometimes called the EIS As-Run database. Science data can searched for in a number of different ways, including specifying complex search strings and graphically selecting regions of the Sun. Once a particular FITS file is located, EIS_CAT will invoke the Quicklook software to help you analyze the data. If you do not already have a local copy of the FITS file, then EIS_CAT will automatically download it to your workstation.
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EIS_CAT is an IDL program for searching the EIS science data catalog, sometimes called the EIS As-Run database. Science data can searched for in a number of different ways, including specifying complex search strings and graphically selecting regions of the Sun. Once a particular FITS file is located, EIS_CAT will invoke the Quicklook software to help you analyze the data. If you do not already have a local copy of the FITS file, then EIS_CAT will automatically download it to your workstation.