!! Question: How to register with EISWiki?

!1. Click the __Log in__ link on the top-right of the __Main__ page.
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!2. Click __Register with EISWiki now!__
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!3. Input the information needed in the box and click 

* [Login name|]: user's account name.
* [Set password|]: the user should choose one and keep it known only to themself. The password should be easy to remember.
* [Wiki name|]: the name that will appears on the page after user login.
* [Full name|]: user's full name.
* [E-mail address|]: user's e-mail address. 
This will be used by the EIS wiki to send a new password should the user forget their original password.
[{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/userguide_3.png'}]

* Click the __Create Your Profile__ button to register.

!4. Once registration has been completed successfully, then go to the __Login__ page to login.\\
[{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/userguide_6.png'}]
* User enters their [Login name|] and [password|] and clicks the __login__ button.

!5. After logging in, the __Edit__ will appear as a link on the page. Click it to start editing the EISWiki page.
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