[{ALLOW comment Authenticated }] [{ALLOW view Anonymous }] [{ALLOW edit jsun,ms2,DaveWilliams}] !!!EIS Team Meeting __March 2009__ ''This Wiki page refers to a closed meeting of the EIS consortium'' !!Organisers: *[David Williams|DavidRWilliams]: Meeting Content **(drw ''ATSIGN'' mssl ''DOT'' ucl ''DOT'' ac ''DOT'' uk)\\ *Ken Dere: (Local Organisation) **(kdere ''ATSIGN'' gmu ''DOT'' edu) !!Location [George Mason University|http://www.gmu.edu], Fairfax, Virginia 22030 [(Google Map)|http://maps.google.co.jp/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=4400+University+Dr,+Fairfax,+VA&sll=38.9853,-77.283325&sspn=0.369875,0.572662&ie=UTF8&ll=38.837117,-77.311156&spn=0.011583,0.02605&z=16&iwloc=addr]. Ken Dere has kindly offered to be the host for thie meeting, so please contact him for information on the location. \\ !!Dates || Date || Theme || Organiser | 17th March | Technical Splinter Session | Khalid Al-Janabi | 18th March | [EIS Team Science Meeting|TeamSciMeetingMar09] | [David Williams|DavidRWilliams] | 19th March | EIS Team discussions with \\ SOT and XRT invitees | [David Williams|DavidRWilliams] | | ''links point to agendas'' !!Technical Splinter Session !!EIS Team Science Meeting !!EIS Team Discussions with SOT and XRT