
The page lists information of EIS study (observing sequences) and several typical examples of EIS study under %%(color:#cc0000;)the new Hinode data-volume regime%%, and the information about %%(color:#cc0000;)operation restrictions%% and %%(color:#cc0000;)regular activities%% by EIS.


* There are almost %%(color:green;)290%% stuies (including science & engineering task) available to EIS observation. The details of each study such as line list, winodw size, exposure time etc. can be accessed online at [Hinode/EIS website|http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/] (MSSL), or alternatively using [EIS planning tool|http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/solarsoft/hinode/eis/idl/planning/] which is distributed with [Solarsoft|http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/surf/surfsolarsoft.html].      Checking EIS planning tool [user guides|http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/docs/EISPlanningToolGuide_Draft.pdf] here.

* On Hinode/EIS website there two useful webpages especially:

[Studies Available for EIS|http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/EisStudyList.jsp]\\
[{Image src='images/study/1227_d.png' link='http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/EisStudyList.jsp' width=180px height=180px}]

[EIS Study Use Summary|http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/studysummary.jsp]
[{Image src='images/study/1228_d.png' link='http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/studysummary.jsp' width=180px height=180px}]

* EIS daily plan can be reviewed from [DARTS website|http://www.darts.isas.ac.jp/pub/solar/solarb/eis/staging/eis_plan/]

* This [Hinode Daily Events Page|http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/home/solar/hinode_op/] can let you check the previous DR allocation (data volume on board?) for EIS. This will give you a rough idea about EIS study data volume.


Examples of EIS studies under the low data-volume restriction:

* PRY_footpoints_lite (Study 000241)
Study 000241:

ACRONYM: PRY_footpoints_lite

This is a variation on the study PRY_footpoints_v2 designed for
periods when EIS has a *low data rate*. The study has a wide range of
lines and diagnostics and is suitable as a general purpose AR study.

TARGET:   		Active region
SLOT:     		2"
FOV:      		100"x240"
DATE Volume:  		53.38 Mbits

If the contacts allow a period of high data rate, please supplement
this study with PRY_footpoints_v2.

As a context raster, please use PRY_slot_context (duration: 3min).




* tr_bright_lo (Study 000251)
Study 000251:

ACRONYM: tr_bright_lo

20"x144" raster using 2" slit 

To observe small scale QS brightenings (blinkers, explosive events,
nanoflares, bright points etc.)

Conditions Necessary to Run & Pointing:
A patch of QS near to disk centre

Study summary
Slit/slot: 2" slit
No of pointing positions: 9
Total spatial width: 20"
Pixels in solar-y: 144
Exposure time: 30 seconds
Cadence: 5 minutes 57 seconds
Data rate:  3.5 kbits/s

Compression: DPCM

