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Search requirements:

sit and stare data
exposure time < 20 secs
target = active region.

One can do like this:

select * from eis_level0 where FMIR_SS="0" and TARGET="active region" and (date_obs between "2007-03-15" and "2007-03-20") and slit_id=1 order by date_obs

Haven't figure out how to choose "exposure time", any help?

Jian - 2008-Mar-08

I think that in that way it works, but I didn't find any for the dates that you said:

select * from eis_level0 where FMIR_SS='0' and TARGET='active region' and (date_obs between '2007-03-15' and '2007-04-20') and slit_id=1 and (obt_end-obt_time)/512/nexp <20 order by date_obs

Note: For some reason you cannot just copy the previous line, you have to rewrite the ' or " symbols, if not it gives a syntax error.

-David Pérez-Suárez, 13 Mar 2025