The sections below give basic information about finding and downloading EIS data using three different methods. New users should try all three as each has its own strengths.
A basic search by date is done by clicking on the EIS box, and entering times in EPOCH_START and EPOCH_END.
Searches using EIS-specific keywords can be done by clicking on the EIS button under ‘More search criteria’. A useful option is to search on study acronym (E_STUD_ACR).
Multiple groups of files are packaged as gzipped tar files. They should be downloaded into a directory such as /data/hinode. They unpack into directories such as eis/level0/2007/11/01.
Thumbnail images are available for each file, and the files can be downloaded.
Although not necessary for this tutorial, it is good practice to keep your EIS data files organized in a standard directory hierarchy. The process is simple, requiring you to define the top level data directory with the environment variable $HINODE_DATA in your .cshrc file or file. Once this is done, the 9-Dec-2006 file can be placed in the directory with
IDL> eis_ingest, 'eis_l0_20061209_113031.fits.gz'
Please see EIS Software Note 18 for more details.