It's not always safe to get "XCEN", "YCEN" information directly from EIS fits (main) header.
Here are some suggestions (according to emails between Ignacio U., Ken D., Viggo H. and John M.):
1. use the fits bte header (ie the data_object methods)
IDL> fname='eis_l0_20070320_030501.fits.gz' IDL> obj=obj_new('eis_data',fname) IDL> xpos=obj->getxpos() IDL> ypos=obj->getypos() IDL> xcen=total([max(xpos),min(xpos)])/2. IDL> ycen=total([max(ypos),min(ypos)])/2. IDL> print,xcen,ycen 21.4457 -976.781
2. use methods provided by the hdr_object
IDL> fname='eis_l0_20070320_030501.fits.gz' IDL> hdr=obj_new('fits_hdr',fname) IDL> xcen=hdr->getxcen_ti1(/offset) IDL> ycen=hdr->getycen_ti1(/offset) IDL> print,xcen,ycen 21.410865 -976.24575
3. I wrote a simple wrapped idl program called "eis_getpinfo.pro" to extract pointing information from EIS fits file (ie no need to read full fits file)
IDL> fname='eis_l0_20070320_030501.fits.gz' IDL> eispointing=eis_getpinfo(fname) IDL> print,eispointing 21.410865 -976.24575 583.06600 512.00000 The values mean: [XCEN, YCEN, FOVX, FOVY] (unit: arcsec)
Any comments?
JianSun 23:04:55 04-Jan-2025 GMT