EIS software comes with a powerful tool to let user search the existing EIS studies by lines, Raster Type, Slit/Slot, spectral window size and Compression scheme. It would be very userful when user starts to choose study for EIS observation poposal or design his/her own study, even to search EIS datasets by study from MSSL Hinode/EIS data archive. The tool ("eis_filter_studies") may be invoked (free-standing) from the IDL command line like: IDL> eis_filter_studies or from the Planning Tools (eis_mk_raster, eis_mk_study and eis_mk_plan) menubar item "Search Rasters". Don't forget to set EIS offical database before running this tool by, for example: IDL>z=fix_zdbase(/EIS) [{Image src='http://lh4.ggpht.com/_BXUEQPaZs94/Sov10AxsvNI/AAAAAAAAABQ/-47ox9XYVjI/eis_study_search_tool.png'}] [{Image src='http://lh4.ggpht.com/_BXUEQPaZs94/Sov3TAmwOHI/AAAAAAAAABk/mjLYGzQzoiw/s800/eis_study_search_tool1.png'}]