EIS pointing and alignment issues
Obtaining pointing information from EIS data
How big is EIS's field of view?
EIS Post-Launch FOV
Offset between CCDs in the y direction
Offset between CCDs in the x direction
EIS pointing stability
Pointing Information in EIS fits files
Inter-instrument offsets for Hinode
EIS internal coalignment
Grating tilt (spectrum rotation) and effect on line ratios
Co-alignment of EIS to magnetograms
Slits & Slots
Slit “Focus”
Grating focus
The tilt of the EIS slit
2" EIS Slit
Diagnostics with the slot
Hot pixels
Warm Pixels
Removing cosmic rays
Top and bottom of hot/warm pixels maps
How do hot and warm pixels affect line fitting?
Dark current measurements
Detector Contamination Monitoring
Spatial Resolution
Estimating spatial resolution using observed features
Software Note No. 8 - EIS Point Spread function
JPEG Compression and EIS Spectral Line Profiles
The Impact of JPEG Compression on EIS Spectral Data
Wavelength Scale
Orbital drift of the EIS wavelength scale
Artifacts of EIS velocity maps
Spatial offset of velocity and intensity features
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