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!EIS pointing and alignment issues

*[Obtaining pointing information from EIS data|EISPointing]

*[How big is EIS's field of view?|EIS_FOV]

*[EIS Post-Launch FOV|EIS_XFOV]

*[Offset between CCDs in the y direction|CCDOffset]

*[Offset between CCDs in the x direction|CCDOffsetX]

*[EIS pointing stability|PointingStability]

*[Pointing Information in EIS fits files|FitsPointing]

*[Inter-instrument offsets for Hinode|InterInstrumentOffsets]

*[EIS internal coalignment|InterCo]

*[Grating tilt (spectrum rotation) and effect on line ratios|SpectralTilt]

*[Co-alignment of EIS to magnetograms]

!Slits & Slots

*[Slit “Focus”|SlitFocus]

*[Grating focus|gratingFocus]

*[The tilt of the EIS slit|TiltOfEISslit]

*[2" EIS Slit|2EISSlit]

*[Diagnostics with the slot|SlotDiagnostics]


*[Hot pixels|HotPixels]

*[Warm Pixels|EisWarmPixelsPage]

*[Removing cosmic rays|CosmicRays]

*[Top and bottom of hot/warm pixels maps|TopBottomHotWarmMaps]

*[How do hot and warm pixels affect line fitting?|WarmPixelStudy]

*[Dark current measurements|DarkCurrent]

*[Detector Contamination Monitoring|DetectorContaminationMonitoring]

!Spatial Resolution

*[Estimating spatial resolution using observed features|TRbrightenings]
*[Software Note No. 8 - EIS Point Spread function|ftp://sohoftp.nascom.nasa.gov/solarsoft/hinode/eis/doc/eis_notes/08_COMA/eis_swnote_08.pdf]

!JPEG Compression and EIS Spectral Line Profiles

*[The Impact of JPEG Compression on EIS Spectral Data |EISJPEG]

!Wavelength Scale

*[Orbital drift of the EIS wavelength scale|OrbitalVariationLinePosition]

!Artifacts of EIS velocity maps

*[Spatial offset of velocity and intensity features|Spatial offset of intensity and velocity features]