!!!Summary of AR 12192 observations

This page summarizes EIS observations of AR 12192, which had a huge sunspot and produced a number of big flares.

!!19 October, 15:03-17:34, qub_hi-cad_flare_v2

Catches decay phase of C3 flare?  Fe XXIV present.

!!20 October, 09:52-?, HH_flare_raster_v6

Catches C4 flare at 11:27. Fe XXIV present, but no footpoints?

!!20 October, 23:03-?, HH_flare_raster_v6

Catches decay phase of M-flare (peaks 22:55). See long Fe XXIV loops crossing raster.

!!21 October, 11:39-?, HH_flare_raster_v6

Complex GOES plot during this period. Two impulsive flares at 12:30 (C6) and 13:40 (M2), with a broad feature peaking at 15:00 (C9). 

!!21 October, 18:49-?, HH_flare_raster_v6

Data not available yet.

!!22 October, 07:29-?, HH_flare_raster_v6